Google Universal Analytics
Historical Data Backup

Google has announced that Universal Analytics (UA) will stop collecting data on July 1st, 2023.
So what?
We offer a tailor-made, end-to-end solution to migrate all your valuable historical data safely and smoothly, ensuring an uninterruptible analytics capability.
Let others worry about this “impossible task”.
You’re kool.
Turn-key solution
Sit back and let our experts do the job.
Strict procedures for automated and manual quality control
Our dedicated engineers guarantee the safety, integrity and accuracy of your data.
Leave no data behind
All means all. No matter how old, all your data can and will be migrated. Flawlessly.
100% Unsampled Data
We utilize sophisticated algorithms to retrieve all your unsampled data. Works perfectly, every time.
Merge. Join. Combine.
All your data. Any way you like. With any third-party data source (ERP, CRM, in-house apps and others).
Your data. Yours, forever.
What else to say? You get to maintain the full ownership of your data, forever. That is that.
Bonus! Looker Studio dashboard
We provide a Looker Studio (formerly known as Google Data Studio) dashboard for the immediate visualization of the migrated data, as a bonus. The most popular analytics queries are already built-in, so you ’re ready to go!